In today’s world, protecting your company’s data is more important than ever. But when it comes to keeping everything secure, who’s in charge: the IT expert or the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)? While both roles seem similar, they do very different things. Let’s break down the differences and why your company needs both.

What Does an IT Expert Do?
An IT expert is focused on making sure all the technology in your company runs smoothly. Their job includes things like:

– Setting up and maintaining computers, networks, and software.
– Solving technical problems.
– Implementing basic security measures (like firewalls and antivirus programs).
– Making sure everything is working efficiently.

They are essential for the day-to-day functioning of your company’s technology, including some security tasks. However, their main job isn’t to create a full security strategy for your business.

What Does a CISO Do?
A CISO (Chief Information Security Officer) is responsible for the overall security strategy of your company. They don’t just set up technology—they look at the bigger picture. A CISO’s job includes:

– Creating long-term security plans to protect your company’s data.
– Identifying risks that could lead to a data breach.
– Ensuring your company follows laws and regulations about data privacy.
– Overseeing how all departments in the company handle security.
– Leading the response to security breaches or attacks.

The CISO’s role is more about leadership and strategy, while the IT expert’s role is about technical implementation.

Do You Need Both?
Yes, because they focus on different aspects of security. Here’s why both roles are crucial:

– IT Expert: They make sure your company’s technology works and is protected from day-to-day risks. They install security measures like firewalls, antivirus software, and secure networks, but they’re not necessarily looking at the overall security strategy.

– CISO: The CISO focuses on the bigger picture—long-term security planning, managing risks, and making sure the company is prepared for any potential threats. They ensure your company’s security policies are strong and that everyone is following them.

Can an IT Expert Handle Security Alone?
While an IT expert can set up security measures, there are some limits. They can stop basic security threats, but without the CISO’s broader security planning, your company might still be vulnerable to bigger risks.

For example, an IT expert might install security software, but if there isn’t a company-wide security policy in place, employees could still make mistakes that lead to data breaches. A CISO ensures that the entire company is aligned when it comes to security.

The Bottom Line
An IT expert and a CISO are both important, but they do different jobs.

– An IT expert handles the technical side—keeping everything running smoothly and setting up basic security measures.
– A CISO leads the security strategy, managing long-term risks and ensuring compliance with regulations.

By having both, your company is better protected against security threats, big and small. You’ll have both the technical tools in place and the leadership needed to stay ahead of potential risks.